Undergraduate Course

Period of study: 1.5year                                                                                                

Total teaching hours: 460 hours                                                                                   

Method of teaching: Lecture, Tutorial, Practical                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


            The course deal with physiologic principles, human physiology including cellular physiology, muscle and nerve physiology, blood and circulation, respiratory, gastrointestinal, renal, reproduction, endocrine, nervous system, muscle exercise, skin and thermoregulation.


   Practical on Haematology                                            Practical on Blood pressure measurement


            At the end of the second M.B., B.S. course, the learner should be able to 

(1)   understand a basic of human society and environment, the variable which maintain them in harmony.

(2)   understand human biological concepts and the process of the body and the control mechanism to explain the underlying basis for deviation from normal.

(3)   understand concepts and principles of basic medical sciences and their application to medicine.


(1)   demonstrate evidence of predetermined level of knowledge of the structure and function of the human body including growth, development, senescence and death and be able to identify deviation from normal.

(2)   perform learning skill such as problem solving ability and self-directed learning.
(3)   identify, conduct and interpret essential laboratory tests in relation to medicine.
(4)   undertake simple surveys under supervision; identify common community/family health problems.
(1)   aware of medicine as a continuum of normal, deviation from normal and the correction of the deviation with the greatest emphasis on the normal in the class.
(2)   develop sound attitude regarding the importance of physiology as the basic for understanding clinical disciplines
(3)   develop sound attitude of self education through critical reading and problem-solving ability

Formative assessment
Method = Tutorial/ Practical
Tools = MCQ / MSQ
4 class tests to be carried out in 4 test weeks
1 practical test
Summative assessment
The 2nd MBBS examination comprises
2 written theory papers of 3 hour duration
Paper I                         MCQ 40 items with 5 responses calculated for 125%
                                    MSQ 6 questions calculated for 125 %
Paper II                       MCQ 40 items with 5 responses calculated for 125%
                                    MSQ 6 questions calculated for 125 %
Practical (5 minutes duration for each practical) 200 %
Class work - average % of class test scores to be converted to 300%           
Pass                             overall aggregates 500 / 1000 (50 %)
Moderation                 at least 460/1000 (46 %)
Credits                        65 % and above for all subjects
Distinctions                 75% and above the examiners are satisfied
Supplementary            after 6 weeks
F system                      3F
Assessment is inter-university system. Viva only for distinction.

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